Extending PlatformIO support to non-VS Code editors

I noticed that PlatformIO does not fully support non-VS Code editors:

I really like how PlatformIO facilitates quick toolchain setup which is a godsend when working with teams. However, I really miss using Neovim, my primary editor, when working on PlatformIO projects.

I did get a half-decent workflow set up:

  • compile_commands.json: Still need to manually call pio run -t compiledb.
  • Debugging: It seemed too complicated to set up. Even though it would have been possible. I would still like to see something officially documented and supported.
  • platformio.ini validation

Since it’s vacation time right now, I would like to work towards this. I checked GitHub - platformio/platformio-vscode-ide: PlatformIO IDE for VSCode: The next generation integrated development environment for IoT but it seems to make assumptions everywhere about being ran by VS Code.

My suggestion would be to do the following:

  • Extract out the platformio.ini validation to a language server into a separate repository. platformio-vscode-ide can just package the language server binary.
  • Something similar for the debug adapter.

I would really like feedback on the process and whether the core maintainers are interested in something like this.