Example 'blink': Error: Could not parse manifest -> Extra data: line 1 column 11 (char 10)

I followed the steps here to get started with platformio:

I can build it correctly. I created a library.json for the project from here:

However, if I try to validate it or publish the package, I get this error:
“Error: Could not parse manifest → Extra data: line 1 column 11 (char 10)”

What is the problem here?
vscode: 1.71.0
platformio IDE: 2.5.4

Ok, got it. The outside curly braces are not present for it to be valid JSON. Plus version info is missing.
This is the correct JSON for the blink example:


        "name": "Blink",

        "base": "examples/blink",

        "files": ["blink.cpp", "blink.h"],

        "version": "1.0"


Why don’t you publish the correct version for newcomers to use?