ESP8266WiFi not found

Hello there,

i ve been trying to run some of the other libraries, for example:

which includes “ESP8266WiFi.h”.

Doing that at the top of my .cpp file, i get a “not found” error. I’ve looked into the registry for the “ESP8266WiFi.h” but couldn’t find anything. There is one called “ESP8266.h” which doesn’t seem to be the same.

From what i could find on the internet, the library is already included in the standard arduino library - if i am not mistaken.

In my “~/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoavr/libraries” folder i could only find a “Wifi” library, which seems to differ.

Whats the solution here?

By the way, i am using a NanoESP.

Thanks a bunch! :slight_smile:

Could you share your platformio.ini? It seems that you use incorrect dev/platform.

thanks for the reply:

platform = atmelavr
board = nanoatmega328
framework = arduino

lib_deps =
# Using library Id

You need to use platform = espressif8266 and compatible board.