ESP8266 irom0_0_seg address

Got a question regarding the following linker script bundled with Arduino core:

/* Flash Split for 4M chips */
/* sketch @0x40200000 (~1019KB) (1044464B) */
/* empty  @0x402FEFF0 (~2052KB) (2101264B) */
/* spiffs @0x40500000 (~1000KB) (1024000B) */
/* eeprom @0x405FB000 (4KB) */
/* rfcal  @0x405FC000 (4KB) */
/* wifi   @0x405FD000 (12KB) */

  dport0_0_seg :                        org = 0x3FF00000, len = 0x10
  dram0_0_seg :                         org = 0x3FFE8000, len = 0x14000
  irom0_0_seg :                         org = 0x40201010, len = 0xfeff0

PROVIDE ( _FS_start = 0x40500000 );
PROVIDE ( _FS_end = 0x405FA000 );
PROVIDE ( _FS_page = 0x100 );
PROVIDE ( _FS_block = 0x2000 );
PROVIDE ( _EEPROM_start = 0x405fb000 );
/* The following symbols are DEPRECATED and will be REMOVED in a future release */
PROVIDE ( _SPIFFS_start = 0x40500000 );
PROVIDE ( _SPIFFS_end = 0x405FA000 );
PROVIDE ( _SPIFFS_page = 0x100 );
PROVIDE ( _SPIFFS_block = 0x2000 );


Why irom0_0_seg is defined as org = 0x40201010, len = 0xfeff0 but not org = 0x40200000, len = 0x100000? Why the offset of 0x1010? Also shouldn’t empty start from 0x40300000?

An extra question - why the FS region isn’t defined right after the irom?

I think that question is perfectly suited for esp8266/Arduino · Discussions · GitHub

Thank you for pointing me into the right direction. I have created a new question: