Espressive have now a fix for the KRACK vulnerability:
This has fix has been incorporated in esp8266 Arduino release 2.4.0-rc2
See issue:
How can I use esp8266 Arduino 2.4.0-rc2 with PlatformIO? I’ve read about using the staging version but it’s unclear which version the staging version is running? It looks to me like the staging version has not been updated since 22 days. Therefore will not have the KRACK fix:
Thanks a lot, Keep up the good work with PlatformIO
PlatformIO Build Script for Arduino/ESP8266 now is a part of an official Espressif repository. See
It means that using Staging version of our dev/platform you will use the latest version of Arduino Core for ESP8266.
See updated docs:
Fantastic! Just so I can be super sure I’m using the latest rc version of Arduino core where can I check the version is 2.4.0-rc2
See updated docs:
The docs do not mention how to install the staging environment if using pio CLI rather than IDE
$ platformio platform install
then use:
platform = espressif8266_stage
board = nodemcuv2
framework = arduino
Is this correct?
It’s correct. Starting from PIO Core 3.5 you can use dev/platform as VCS URL, as described in docs
Sorry, just to clarify the above steps will install and compile with the latest esp8266/arduino release rc, currently:
I just want to be totally sure this is the version I’m using. I can’t see where to check that the correct version is installed. The docs say it should be possible to set
platform =
When I do this I get error:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/fig/.platformio/platforms/Arduino/platform.json'
Should it be possible to set in platformio.ini
platform =
What do you see with pio platform show espressif8266
? Or PIO Home - Platforms - Installed - Eapressif 8266 - Packages. You see a commit here.
I don’t think I see the commit. Does this mean I’m not running 2.4.0-rc2 ?
espressif8266 ~ Espressif 8266
Espressif Systems is a privately held fabless semiconductor company. They provide wireless communications and Wi-Fi chips which are widely used in mobile devices and the Internet of Things applications.
Version: 1.4.0
License: Apache-2.0
Frameworks: arduino, esp8266-rtos-sdk, simba
Package framework-esp8266-rtos-sdk
Type: framework
Requirements: >=1.5.0-beta
Installed: No (optional)
Package toolchain-xtensa
Type: toolchain
Requirements: ~1.40802.0
Installed: Yes
Version: 1.40802.0
Original version: 4.8.2
Description: xtensa-gcc
Package framework-simba
Type: framework
Requirements: >=7.0.0
Installed: No (optional)
Package tool-esptool
Type: uploader
Requirements: ~1.409.0
Installed: Yes
Version: 1.409.0
Original version: 4.9
Description: esptool-ck
Package tool-mkspiffs
Type: uploader
Requirements: ~1.102.0
Installed: Yes
Version: 1.102.0
Original version: 1.2
Description: Tool to build and unpack SPIFFS images
Package tool-espotapy
Type: uploader
Requirements: ~1.0.0
Installed: Yes
Version: 1.0.0
Original version: None
Description: This script will push an OTA update to the ESP
Package framework-arduinoespressif8266
Type: framework
Requirements: ~1.20300.1
Installed: Yes
Version: 1.20300.1
Original version: 2.3.0
Description: Arduino Wiring-based Framework (ESP8266 Core)
Package sdk-esp8266
Requirements: ~1.10502.0
Installed: No (optional)
ID MCU Frequency Flash RAM Name
nodemcuv2 ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)
wifinfo ESP8266 80Mhz 423kB 80kB WifInfo
esp01_1m ESP8266 80Mhz 1024kB 80kB Espressif Generic ESP8266 ESP-01 1M
d1_mini ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB WEMOS D1 mini
espduino ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB ESPDuino (ESP-13 Module)
esp12e ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB Espressif ESP8266 ESP-12E
huzzah ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266
phoenix_v1 ESP8266 80Mhz 1019kB 80kB Phoenix 1.0
phoenix_v2 ESP8266 80Mhz 1019kB 80kB Phoenix 2.0
d1 ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB WEMOS D1 (Retired)
esp01 ESP8266 80Mhz 512kB 80kB Espressif Generic ESP8266 ESP-01 512k
esp07 ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB Espressif Generic ESP8266 ESP-07
esp_wroom_02 ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB ESP-WROOM-02
sparkfunBlynk ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB SparkFun Blynk Board
nodemcu ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB NodeMCU 0.9 (ESP-12 Module)
d1_mini_lite ESP8266 80Mhz 935kB 80kB WEMOS D1 mini Lite
espresso_lite_v1 ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB ESPresso Lite 1.0
espresso_lite_v2 ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB ESPresso Lite 2.0
esp8285 ESP8266 80Mhz 423kB 80kB Generic ESP8285 Module
espino ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB ESPino
espinotee ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB ThaiEasyElec ESPino
espectro ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB ESPectro Core
thingdev ESP8266 80Mhz 512kB 80kB SparkFun ESP8266 Thing Dev
modwifi ESP8266 80Mhz 2048kB 80kB Olimex MOD-WIFI-ESP8266(-DEV)
thing ESP8266 80Mhz 512kB 80kB SparkFun ESP8266 Thing
esp210 ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB SweetPea ESP-210
Can you see what framework version I’m running?
If you use staging version, please run
pio platform show espressif8266_stage
Here is the output of:
$ pio platform show espressif8266_stage
I’m trying to confirm that I’m running Arduino framework 2.4.0-rc2
which has the fix for the CRACK vulnerability:
espressif8266_stage ~ Espressif 8266 (Stage)
Espressif Systems is a privately held fabless semiconductor company. They provide wireless communications and Wi-Fi chips which are widely used in mobile devices and the Internet of Things applications.
Version: 1569289
License: Apache-2.0
Frameworks: arduino, esp8266-rtos-sdk, simba
Package framework-esp8266-rtos-sdk
Type: framework
Requirements: >=1.5.0-beta
Installed: No (optional)
Package toolchain-xtensa
Type: toolchain
Requirements: ~1.40802.0
Installed: Yes
Version: 1.40802.0
Original version: 4.8.2
Description: xtensa-gcc
Package framework-simba
Type: framework
Requirements: >=7.0.0
Installed: No (optional)
Package tool-esptool
Type: uploader
Requirements: ~1.409.0
Installed: Yes
Version: 1.409.0
Original version: 4.9
Description: esptool-ck
Package tool-mkspiffs
Type: uploader
Requirements: ~1.200.0
Installed: No (optional)
Package tool-espotapy
Type: uploader
Requirements: ~1.1.0
Installed: No (optional)
Package framework-arduinoespressif8266
Type: framework
Installed: Yes
Version: 0c897c3
Original version: None
Description: Arduino Wiring-based Framework (ESP8266 Core)
Package sdk-esp8266
Requirements: ~1.10502.0
Installed: No (optional)
ID MCU Frequency Flash RAM Name
nodemcuv2 ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)
wifinfo ESP8266 80Mhz 423kB 80kB WifInfo
esp01_1m ESP8266 80Mhz 1024kB 80kB Espressif Generic ESP8266 ESP-01 1M
d1_mini ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB WEMOS D1 mini
espduino ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB ESPDuino (ESP-13 Module)
esp12e ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB Espressif ESP8266 ESP-12E
huzzah ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266
phoenix_v1 ESP8266 80Mhz 1019kB 80kB Phoenix 1.0
phoenix_v2 ESP8266 80Mhz 1019kB 80kB Phoenix 2.0
d1 ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB WEMOS D1 (Retired)
esp01 ESP8266 80Mhz 512kB 80kB Espressif Generic ESP8266 ESP-01 512k
esp07 ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB Espressif Generic ESP8266 ESP-07
esp_wroom_02 ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB ESP-WROOM-02
sparkfunBlynk ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB SparkFun Blynk Board
oak ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB DigiStump Oak
nodemcu ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB NodeMCU 0.9 (ESP-12 Module)
d1_mini_lite ESP8266 80Mhz 935kB 80kB WEMOS D1 mini Lite
espresso_lite_v1 ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB ESPresso Lite 1.0
espresso_lite_v2 ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB ESPresso Lite 2.0
esp8285 ESP8266 80Mhz 423kB 80kB Generic ESP8285 Module
espino ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB ESPino
espinotee ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB ThaiEasyElec ESPino
espectro ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB ESPectro Core
thingdev ESP8266 80Mhz 512kB 80kB SparkFun ESP8266 Thing Dev
modwifi ESP8266 80Mhz 2048kB 80kB Olimex MOD-WIFI-ESP8266(-DEV)
thing ESP8266 80Mhz 512kB 80kB SparkFun ESP8266 Thing
esp210 ESP8266 80Mhz 4096kB 80kB SweetPea ESP-210
“0c897c3” is a hash of commit.
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Fantastic, that’s exactly what I wanted to see
That’s exactly 2.4.0-rc2
I dunno how I missed that. Thanks so much for your help
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pio platform show espressif8266_stage
is now showing Version: 303a71d
for Package framework-arduinoespressif8266.
What are we supposed to do if we want 2.4.0-rc2 0c897c3
Thanks for the tip. I created
and it seems to get the job done.
I’m not really feeling great about this though. It would be nicer if there was a branch at
that everyone could use more “officially”.
Thanks, done!
platform =
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Hi @ivankravets
Nice, that looks like a good solution. I’ve just tested using in my project using:
platform =
The platform seems to install Ok then I get: Error: Unknown development platform
Full output:
The platform '' has been successfully installed!
The rest of packages will be installed automatically depending on your build environment.
Error: Unknown development platform ''
This is an upcoming feature of PIO Core 3.5. Please switch to development version of PIO Core 3.5.
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