Board: ESP8266 ESP-01
Programmer: USB to ESP8266, CH340C
OS: Manjaro, kernel 5.16.7
PlatformIO Core: 5.2.5
Framework: Arduino
I have been getting the following error when attempting to upload to the ESP8266 via PlatformIO:
A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header
platform = espressif8266
board = esp01_1m
I have tried various upload_speed
settings, 9600, 74880 and 115200. I can monitor serial output sent by the board after pressing the Reset button on the programmer using a 74880 baud rate, but uploading always fails.
However I can successfully upload with Arduino IDE, using the Generic ESP8266 Module
board, which is good news and hopefully means that I’m just a setting or two off in PlatformIO.
Is there anything that jumps out at anybody that I am doing wrong?