Esp8266-12 RTOS sdk

Good morning
we wanted to start implementing on my esp8266-12 the RTOS operating system,
but i was not able, because after uploading with usb-uart (boot) on
my ESP, if I go to check it does not work, indeed the serial continues to transmit data
which for me have no meaning.
I ask kindly there is a complete project, including everything (include, ini) working that if i upload from boot usb-uart works?
Thank you so much.

Win 7
Visual Studio Code 1.18.1

What board setting are you using?

My last ESP8266 purchase had no real indication of what version of chip it used. I had issues with getting the console working properly (no output), even though the firmware uploaded and executed properly. When I set the board type to nodemcuv2, it started to work properly.

Many thanks mrred128
I tried to put board = nodemcuv2 but the problem is the same
when i start my esp8266-12 does nothing of the program but keeps sending
characters on the serial. This esp8266 works well with arduin ide, so the module has no problems.
I ask you kindly if you can help me.
Thank you


platform = espressif8266
framework = esp8266-rtos-sdk
;board = esp_wroom_02
board = nodemcuv2
monitor_baud = 115200
board_flash_mode = dio
upload_resetmethod = ck
board_f_cpu = 80000000L
board_f_flash = 40000000L
upload_speed = 115200
upload_port = COM48


#include “esp_common.h”
#include “freertos/task.h”
#include “gpio.h”

//fine GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(gpio_no, bit_value) gpio_output_conf(bit_value<<gpio_no, ((bit_value)&0x01)<<gpio_no, 1<<gpio_no, 0)


  • FunctionName : user_rf_cal_sector_set

  • Description : SDK just reversed 4 sectors, used for rf init data and paramters.

  •            We add this function to force users to set rf cal sector, since
  •            we don't know which sector is free in user's application.
  •            sector map for last several sectors : ABCCC
  •            A : rf cal
  •            B : rf init data
  •            C : sdk parameters
  • Parameters : none

  • Returns : rf cal sector
    uint32 user_rf_cal_sector_set(void)
    flash_size_map size_map = system_get_flash_size_map();
    uint32 rf_cal_sec = 0;
    switch (size_map) {
    case FLASH_SIZE_4M_MAP_256_256:
    rf_cal_sec = 128 - 5;

     case FLASH_SIZE_8M_MAP_512_512:
         rf_cal_sec = 256 - 5;
     case FLASH_SIZE_16M_MAP_512_512:
     case FLASH_SIZE_16M_MAP_1024_1024:
         rf_cal_sec = 512 - 5;
     case FLASH_SIZE_32M_MAP_512_512:
     case FLASH_SIZE_32M_MAP_1024_1024:
         rf_cal_sec = 1024 - 5;
         rf_cal_sec = 0;


    return rf_cal_sec;

void task_blink(void* ignore)
while(true) {





  • FunctionName : user_init

  • Description : entry of user application, init user function here

  • Parameters : none

  • Returns : none
    void user_init(void)

     GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(12, 1);

    xTaskCreate(&task_blink, “startup”, 2048, NULL, 1, NULL);

How I arrived at nodemcuv2 was getting a complete list of boards by running a command in the terminal box. “pio boards 8266” and go through the listed boards until something works.

I suspect it’s different mapping of GPIO pins to be the culprit.

Beyond this, I don’t have your board and can’t be of much help with this.

I attach the photo of my module that we programmed it from uart TXD0 RXD0

It looks like I have a couple of wifi shields using that same chip. The downside is my usb serial devices are still on a dogsled from china. It may be a while before I can get to it.

Thanks for the answer, i used this with arduino ide no problem, I wanted to integrate rtos with platformio.

Have you tried simba? Welcome to Simba’s documentation! — Simba master documentation

I have played with it and it does support 8266.

Hi mrred128
Simba is a rtos?
I was interested in an operating system to open various tasks in various phases of wifi, avoiding the slowdowns of other processes while, loop, …

Yes, it is a rtos. everything is modular and you add what you need via a config.h

It’s supported here and in the arduino ide.

Many thanks would you have a platformio project including libraries from where can i start that if I load it with visual code on my esp something runs?
Too kind

I made a project with Hello world! it works, I do not understand why on my monitor with a Esp8266 reset I leave all these characters before Hello word!


#include “simba.h”

int main()

struct uart_driver_t uart;


uart_init(&uart, &uart_device[0], 9600, NULL, 0);

std_printf(FSTR("Hello world!\n"));

return (0);



Executing task: platformio.exe device monitor <

— Miniterm on COM48 9600,8,N,1 —
— Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H —
HH>� $G(h␒�GEYidbC)IdbC)�YC-iYC-i�dC)IdC)I4dhC-Hi�� dxUH$� dE=)IdCIIdC�)IdbC)IdbC�ih,�0FECC)Idhb-iIdb-iIdhC-iYC-iYIC)IdC)IdI-iYdb-iYdb
)IdC)IdC�iYdb-iYdb-�iYC-iYC-�IdC)IdbC)�Ydb-iYdb-i�YC-iYC-i�dbC)IdbC)I(db-iYdb-iY EEIYCIId(bC)I�$ dC)�YdB-iYB-i�dCIIdCII4dbC)IdbC)I4@EK␌(YdIhHr �[A+Hr0Q kIdb%iIdb-�iY`C-iY`�l�`�B␕HM␑ty���t��X:xHxt�d�\�)�␔��l����휌���(����)���Hello world!

In a seminar all day. I will see what I have when I get home.

Many thanks mrred128

Hi mrred128
I have documented on simba and i saw that it is not complete in the drivers etc. it would be interesting to implement freertos.

Returning to the initial trial with freertos is a problem related to setting the addresses of the esp8266 in the platformio.ini

The 8266 end is the most developed, for simba. All the network stuff is in place. The i2c interface is perfect. I looked at porting an i2c lcd driver, but haven’t found the time. It looks strait forward.

I have some news concerning the problem with freertos indicated above this discussion the data that are sent continuously on the uart are the following:

ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)

load 0x40100000, len 31360, room 16
tail 0
chksum 0x07
load 0x3ffe8000, len 2128, room 8
tail 8
chksum 0xb2
load 0x3ffe8850, len 492, room 0
tail 12
chksum 0xe3
csum 0xe3
OS SDK ver: 1.5.0-dev(caff253) compiled @ Oct 23 2017 17:42:20
phy ver: 1055_1, pp ver: 10.7

rf cal sector: 1019
tcpip_task_hdl : 3ffef620, prio:10,stack:512

I tried using esp8266-12 with visual studio / visualgdb, I had the same identical problem I solved by setting

esp_init_data_default.bin to 0x3fc000 on additional flash

how can I solve this problem?

In the ini file I have already added

[Env: Esp8266-12]
platform = espressif8266
framework = esp8266-rtos-sdk
board = esp12e
board_f_flash = 80000000L
board_flash_mode = god
upload_resetmethod = ck
upload_speed = 115200

I enclose the settings used with visual studio

Many thanks

Please re-test with upstream version Espressif 8266 — PlatformIO latest documentation

Does it work now?