ESP32-WROOM-32SE support

Can I use the ESP32-WROOM-32SE (new ESP module with ATECC608A baked in) together with the default configuration of Espressif ESP32 Dev Module — PlatformIO latest documentation?

There are ESP-IDF examples available at esp-idf/examples/peripherals/secure_element/atecc608_ecdsa at release/v4.2 · espressif/esp-idf · GitHub for v4.2 but since PIO uses v.4.0.1 these are not expected to work as long as PIO doesn’t update.

You may try to build the above project using PlatformIO and the esp-cryptoauthlib @ 71e6938 component as per the docs and the code (GitHub - espressif/esp-cryptoauthlib: Release only fork of but the last link already says that newer ESP-IDF versions are a requirement :confused: