I’m trying to make a library that is designed for the esp32. It depends on ArduinoOTA, which includes headers from the esp32 WiFi library:
I have added these (and a few more that are needed) to my list of dependencies:
But the “WiFi” is finding the generic Arduino version, not the esp32 one.
Is there some library.json syntax that can point to the WiFi library that comes with arduino-esp32? Do I need a library.json for esp32-wifi, with a new name?
A second question is that the OneWire library supplied by orgua works better than the id=1 OneWire that DallasTemperature depends on. Is there a good way to use the orgua version? I have tried to call it directly, but the DallasTemperature dependency is taking over.
((( If you have any other comments on my library.json, I am inviting you to tell me about it. )))