ESP32-S3 ESP-IDF I2C Component Examples with i2c_master.h Support


I just wanted to share I2C components that I am dabbling with to date that have i2c_master.h support. These are works in progress but functional should the community find them helpful.

A few examples:

  • I2C: ROHM BH1750FVI
  • I2C: Melexis MLX90614
  • I2C: Sensirion SHT4x
  • I2C: Bosch BMP280
  • I2C: AKM AK8975
  • I2C: ScioSense ENS160
  • I2C: Vishay VEML7700
  • etc.

The above list gets updated from time to time, and the latest list can be found on github:

ESP32-S3 ESP-IDF I2C Component Examples