I’ve been trying to write the code for ESP32 with the Arduino platform in the platformio, also I install IDF platform as well, however, when I tried to add headers(“driver/twai.h”) with “edit include path setting”, it can not find the header file even with adding all possible header file locations
Seems to not be included in Arduino-ESP32 version 1.0.6 which is what PlatformIO uses. See Support for the latest Arduino v2.0 · Issue #619 · platformio/platform-espressif32 · GitHub to upgrade.
@maxgerhardt regards to their comments I change my platformio.ini to following
platform = https://github.com/tasmota/platform-espressif32/releases/download/v2.0.2idf/platform-espressif32-2.0.2.zip
board = firebeetle32
framework = arduino
however, when I clean and build again nothing happens
It might be downloading stuff in the background? The toolchain etc is big.
@maxgerhardt is there any procedure I should follow when I change the ini file
caz it still processing the last ini file
You’re not even selecting the right project, the file you show is in the mulcher
project. Just use the project environment switcher to switch the firebeetle32 environment of the mulcher project.
Progress indication is mostly in the taskmanager for network and then disk activity. Took me a minute or two to install. You can refresh the tasks in the PlatformIO IDE sidebar → Project Tasks → upper right refresh button.
@maxgerhardt its work , really appreciated