DFRobot Firebeetle needs in deep sleep only 10µA but the start up time after deep sleep is around 200ms. Connecting GPIO 15 to ground reduces the time by 20ms (see Otii recording).
Espressif offers a faster boot it you change the boot loader option “CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_SKIP_VALIDATE_IN_DEEP_SLEEP”
How can I set this parameter in Platformio?
Thank you!
DFR Firebeetle boot|382x500
I’m assuming you’re using ESP-IDF here. Try running pio run -t menuconfig
to get in to the sdkconfig configuration, the obotloader option should be there. This should result in that macro being added to your project’s sdkconfig.h
Please, how could I get a fast boot from deep sleep within the Arduino framework?
This option is already activated, so you don’t need to do anything.
@maxgerhardt, thak you for your answer. You are right but let me rephrase the question.
I am using a PICO-DevKitM-2 and from the time the Deep Sleep Wake Up is triggered to the start of the setup() execution, it takes 560 ms, which is too long for me. How could I reduce that time using Platformio’s Arduino framework?
Is wakeup time equally bad in the Arduino IDE? Then please have Arduino-ESP32 people have look at it (Issues · espressif/arduino-esp32 · GitHub). If PlatformIO and Arduino IDE behavior differs (for the same selected core version, which would be 2.0.3 at the moment), then we have a problem.
I’m not familiar with other wakeup options. You can however reconfigure the ESP-IDF base for testing, just use the project platform-espressif32/examples/espidf-arduino-blink at develop · platformio/platform-espressif32 · GitHub as a base and enter menuconfig per documentation.
I have made several tests for different devices with the same program, in Platformio-Arduino and in Arduino IDE (both in version 2.0.3) and these are the results in ms (PlatformIO / Arduino IDE):
LOLIN D1 Mini ESP32: 126 / 108
ESP32-DevKitV1: 126 / 108
LOLIN S2 Mini: 240 / 240
ESP32-PICO-DevKitM-2: 562 / 101
D1 Mini Esp32 and DevKitV1 have the same MCU (ESP32-WROOM-32) and their results match.
Lolin S2 Mini (ESP32-S2FN4R2) gives the same result in PlatformIO and in Arduino IDE (not very good anyway).
DevKitM-2 has the best MCU (ESP32-PICO-MINI-02) and gives the worst results on PlatformIO and the best on Arduino IDE.
Since in Arduino IDE the wakeup times are better than in PlatformIO, I think this is not a problem concerning espressif/arduino-esp32
As for what you tell me about ESP-IDF, I have to look at it more carefully because I don’t know anything about ESP-IDF.
Thank you very much
I’ve continued to test on PlatformIO and I’ve realized that the long delay of DevKitM-2 is related to the configuration in platformio.ini
platform = espressif32
framework = arduino
board_build.filesystem = fatfs
board_upload.speed = 2000000
monitor_speed = 115200
monitor_filters = time
board = pico32
board_upload.maximum_ram_size = 532480
board_upload.flash_size = "8MB"
board_upload.maximum_size = 8388608
board_build.partitions = my_partition_esp32_8m.csv
build_flags =
With the above configuration, the delay is 562 ms, but if I remove the last line (-D BOARD_HAS_PSRAM), then the delay is 126 ms (same as D1 Mini Esp32 and DevKitV1 devices) and no change in another line changes the result.
On the other hand, the Lolin S2 Mini board also has 2MB PSRAM, but whether or not I add the BOARD_HAS_PSRAM flag, it has no effect on the wakeup time (always 240 ms)
board = lolin_s2_mini
board_upload.maximum_ram_size = 327680
board_build.partitions = my_partition_esp32_4m.csv
build_flags =
PSRAM settings also affect the Arduino IDE. Finally, this is an issue that concerns Espressif/Arduino
This is already defined in the menuconfig
But i was able to identify with “espidf” that you need to add these settings as well to make it work.
This information is missing in the documentation and i could only figure it out by many try and errors.
It would be great if this could be added to the arduino framework. Because in espidf my LOLIN S2 Mini is then able to start in 37ms.
Maybe someone could address this at a higher level to make this work, because it would be aewsome for battery driven devices.
Please open an issue at Issues · espressif/arduino-esp32 · GitHub to get this tracked with the right people.