Esp32 dual core multi task and priorities

task1 : webServerTask,
task2 : guiTask (use mutex)
I assigned task1 to cpu0 and task2 to cpu1 using the xTaskCreatePinnedToCore function in esp32. Then I expected task1 and task2 to run concurrently on each other’s cpu regardless of their respective priorities, isn’t that right?
If I increase the priority of task1 over task2, task2 will not run. If I set the priorities to be the same, both tasks will run. Even if I assign tasks to different CPUs, does the execution of the tasks differ according to their priority? Or is it related to the use of semaphore in task2?

case 1: webServerTask run, guiTask does not work (w/ mutex)
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(webServerTask, "webServer",  4096,       NULL,  2, NULL, 0); 
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(guiTask,             "gui",  4096 * 2,   NULL,  1, NULL, 1);   

case 2: both webServerTask and guiTask run (w/ mutex)
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(webServerTask, "webServer",  4096,       NULL,  1, NULL, 0);  
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(guiTask,             "gui",  4096 * 2,   NULL,  1, NULL, 1);  

case 3: both webServerTask and guiTask run (w/o mutex)
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(webServerTask, "webServer",  4096,       NULL,  2, NULL, 0);  
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(guiTask,             "gui",  4096 * 2,   NULL,  1, NULL, 1);  

I think both tasks are created and started (early logging in the task function to confirm this) but one is then quickly blocked or starved.

In general the docs are at