[ESP32-CAM] Can not run unit tests on board

This is my file .ini:

Unit tests on ESP32-Dev worked fine (Unity and googletest), but on ESP32-CAM is blocked.

Can someone has any solution?

After you’ve pressed “Test” to upload the test firmware (in which subsequent testing fails), can you open a PIO serial monitor and see any output?

Here is the output:

It will blocked until I stop the terminal

This is some information when building. Hope to useful:

section size addr
.rtc.text 0 1074528256
.rtc.dummy 0 1073217536
.rtc.force_fast 0 1073217536
.rtc_noinit 16 1342177792
.rtc.force_slow 0 1342177808
.iram0.vectors 1027 1074266112
.iram0.text 57667 1074267140
.dram0.data 16408 1073470304
.ext_ram_noinit 0 1065353216
.noinit 0 1073486712
.ext_ram.bss 0 1065353216
.dram0.bss 5096 1073486712
.flash.appdesc 256 1061158944
.flash.rodata 51780 1061159200
.flash.rodata_noload 0 1061210980
.flash.text 128183 1074593824
.iram0.text_end 1 1074324807
.iram0.data 0 1074324808
.iram0.bss 0 1074324808
.dram0.heap_start 0 1073491808
.xt.prop 150360 0
.xt.lit 4248 0
.xtensa.info 56 0
.comment 166 0
.xt.prop._ZN14HardwareSerial9readBytesEPcj 36 0
.xt.prop._ZNSt14_Function_baseD2Ev 36 0
.xt.prop._ZTV14HardwareSerial 12 0
.xt.lit._ZN6String4initEv 0 0
.xt.prop._ZN6String4initEv 36 0
.xt.prop._ZNK6String3lenEv 60 0
.xt.prop._ZN6String6setLenEi 72 0
.xt.lit._ZN3nvs4Lock4initEv 0 0
.xt.prop._ZN3nvs4Lock4initEv 72 0
.xt.lit._ZN14intrusive_listIN3nvs7Storage14NamespaceEntryEE17clearAndFreeNodesEv 0 0
.xt.prop._ZN14intrusive_listIN3nvs7Storage14NamespaceEntryEE17clearAndFreeNodesEv 108 0
.xt.prop.ZN14intrusive_listIN3nvs7Storage14NamespaceEntryEE9push_backEPS2 60 0
.xt.lit._ZN3nvs12NVSPartitionD5Ev 0 0
.xt.prop._ZN3nvs12NVSPartitionD5Ev 0 0
.xt.prop._ZN3nvs12NVSPartitionD2Ev 36 0
.xt.prop._ZN3nvs12NVSPartitionD0Ev 36 0
.xt.prop._ZTVN3nvs12NVSPartitionE 12 0
.xt.lit._ZN3nvs19NVSPartitionManagerD5Ev 0 0
.xt.prop._ZN3nvs19NVSPartitionManagerD5Ev 0 0
.xt.prop._ZN3nvs19NVSPartitionManagerD2Ev 36 0
.xt.prop._ZN3nvs19NVSPartitionManagerD0Ev 36 0
.xt.prop._ZN14intrusive_listIN3nvs12NVSPartitionEE5eraseENS2_8iteratorE 84 0
.xt.prop._ZTVN3nvs19NVSPartitionManagerE 12 0
.xt.prop._ZN14intrusive_listIN3nvs8HashList13HashListBlockEE5eraseENS3_8iteratorE 84 0
.xt.lit._ZN3nvs4ItemC5EhNS_8ItemTypeEhPKch 0 0
.xt.prop._ZN3nvs4ItemC5EhNS_8ItemTypeEhPKch 0 0
.xt.prop._ZN3nvs20isVariableLengthTypeENS_8ItemTypeE 48 0
.xt.prop._ZN3nvs4ItemC2EhNS_8ItemTypeEhPKch 60 0
.xt.prop.ZNK19CompressedEnumTableIN3nvs4Page10EntryStateELj2ELj126EE3getEjPS2 48 0
.xt.lit._ZN14intrusive_listIN3nvs4PageEE5clearEv 0 0
.xt.prop._ZN14intrusive_listIN3nvs4PageEE5clearEv 60 0
.xt.prop.ZN14intrusive_listIN3nvs4PageEE9push_backEPS1 60 0
.xt.prop._ZN14intrusive_listIN3nvs4PageEE5eraseENS2_8iteratorE 84 0
.xt.prop._ZTISt9exception 12 0
.xt.prop._ZTISt9bad_alloc 12 0
.xt.prop._ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE 12 0
.xt.prop._ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE 12 0
.debug_frame 63560 0
.debug_info 3300472 0
.debug_abbrev 269536 0
.debug_loc 477202 0
.debug_aranges 25488 0
.debug_ranges 66368 0
.debug_line 1188547 0
.debug_str 296361 0
Total 6104034

That’s not exactly what I asked for. Now that the test firmware is uploaded though, what does the serial monitor say? (You might also need to press the reset button)

I pressed the reset button and the monitor screen was the same as what I show you

Can you show of an open PIO serial monitor after you pressed you reset?

I pressed reset button on upload board and there is not log from terminal. Can I upload video? I don’t find the way to upload video

But that’s still not the serial monitor. Please use project tasks → Monitor.