i am having trouble to get the ESP32 C3 SuperMini and C3-Zero working. i have a simple example code just Serial.println something every second.
The code uploads with these settings:
The issue is, that i just do not get any response from neither of these chips (after successfull upload of the image).
i know there are many threads asking for help with the serial output for the C3, and the solution seems to be DARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT but here it just does not do the trick.
Even using example code to enable wifi networks or makeing it appear as a bluetooth device does not work. it just accepts the flash and then does not do anything more.
i also tried to upload example code using the arduino ide (selected CDCon boot and using Lolin C3 Mini), and experimented with different serial speeds. with exact the same result: no response after flash.
My board is similiar to the right one on the picture.
To be honest, i have no clue why both of your ESP-C3 are not working.
I’m on windows & linux (WSL Ubuntu).
It works with the latest platform-espressi32 @ 6.10.0 platform = espressif32 @ 6.10.0
as well as pioarduino 53.03.11 platform = https://github.com/pioarduino/platform-espressif32/releases/download/53.03.11/platform-espressif32.zip
What I’m really wondering about is that the upload works without issues but then nothing happens.
Did you try pressing the reset button after uploading?
PlattformIO just does not want to show anything - and: it does upload the code, but the LED is not flashing after sucessfull flash. so i guess the flashing process ist not correct, or some settings are not correct.
i will try it on a native linux. maybe it has something to do with osx?
For comparison, i put the most important settings side by side.
Some of them comming from platformio.ini and most of them are comming from esp32-c3-devktim-1.json:
I have found the problem! its a littlebit embarrassing, but the cable was the problem.
just by accident i swapped the cable and now it works in the arduino ide as well as vscode. i also get the serial prints from the controller.
I have no idea why that could be, but anyway - it works now.