ESP32-C3 Serial

I am using an ESP32-C3 SuperMini Board and have run Serial (GPIO18 - USB_N, GPIO19 - USBD_P) and Serial0 (GPIO20 - U0RXD, GPIO21 - U0TXD).
But the diagram shows that there is another Serial (GPIO1 - U1RXD, GPIO0 - U1TXD), but it does not work. Serial1 compiles, but then Serial USB stops working.
Anyone know how to get Serial1 to work?

ESP32-C3  pcb 18x23 (2)

// ESP32-C3 SuperMini Board (Aliexpress 1.7$)
// (PlatformIO IDE)

  1 - GPIO5 / ADC2 / SCL / SPI_MISO
  2 - GPIO6 / SPI_MOSI
  3 - GPIO7 / SPI_SS
  4 - GPIO8 / PWM / SDA
  5 - GPIO8 / BOOT / SCL
  6 - GPIO10
  7 - GPIO20 / U0RXD (Serial0)
  8 - GPIO21 / U0TXD (Serial0)

  8 - VBUS (5V)
  7 - GND
  6 - 3.3V
  5 - GPIO4 / ADC1 / SDA / SPI_SCK
  4 - GPIO3
  3 - GPIO2 - R10k - 3.3V
  2 - GPIO1 / U1RXD (Serial1 - No Work)
  1 - GPIO0 / U1TXD (Serial1 - No Work)
  GPIO8  - LED (Blue) - R5k1 - 3.3V
  GPIO9  - Button PROG (BOOT) - GND
  GPIO18 - USBD_N (Serial)
  GPIO19 - USBD_P (Serial)

/* === platformio.ini ===
platform = espressif32
board = seeed_xiao_esp32c3
framework = arduino

RAM:   [          ]   4.3% (used 14076 bytes from 327680 bytes)
Flash: [==        ]  19.1% (used 250218 bytes from 1310720 bytes)

#include <WiFi.h>

#define LED 8               // BUILTIN Invert

char data[250];
int tik = 0;

void setup() {
	pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
	digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
	delay(100);               // For start USB

	Serial.println("START USB");

	Serial0.println("START U0");

	//Serial1.println("START U1");

void loop() {
	digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
	digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);

	if (Serial.available()) {
		byte m = Serial.readBytesUntil('\n', data, sizeof (data)-1);
		data[m] = '\0';

	if (Serial0.available()) {
		byte m = Serial0.readBytesUntil('\n', data, sizeof (data)-1);
		data[m] = '\0';

	//if (Serial1.available()) {
	//	byte m = Serial1.readBytesUntil('\n', data, sizeof (data)-1);
	//	data[m] = '\0';
	//	Serial1.println(data);

	Serial.print("TIK USB: "); Serial.println(tik);
	Serial0.print("TIK U0: "); Serial0.println(tik);
	//Serial1.print("TIK U1: "); Serial1.println(tik);

Reading the relevant code snippets…

Especially in conjunction with the XIAO_ESP32C3/pins_arduino.h tells me, that the variant seeed_xiao_esp32c3 does not explicitly define the RX1, TX1 pins which should be used for Serial1, and thus the default macros push it to RX1 = GPIO18, TX1 = GPIO19, which however exactly are the USB D+ and D- pins.

Try to explicitly give it the pin numbers you want in the .begin() method.

	Serial1.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, /* RX */ 1, /* TX*/ 0);
1 Like

Thank you for your reply. It worked.
Now 3 serial ports work simultaneously.

Hi ave can you please help me.
Like you, I would like to use the serial interface on the ESP32 superMini. I have a USB-serial converter on pins 20 and 21. But I don’t see any signal there.
What board definition are you using?
what needs to be done besides the normal “Serial.begin(115200);” The setup says “Serial.println(“wonderful”);” functions
I am grateful for every hint