ESP32 ble scan_evt timeout

I developed a project by performing BLE beacon scanning with ESP32. The environment where the ESP is located is a deserted place with few people. I continuously perform BLE scanning in this environment, but the BLE transmission only occurs when a person enters the environment. Actually, the transmission is triggered when a button on a card emitting BLE beacon is pressed. In this case, the working ESP constantly gives a “scan_evt timeout” error. I have researched the solution for this issue, but I couldn’t find a clear solution on forums and blogs. My BLE settings are as follows:

pBLEScan->setAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(new MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(), true, false); pBLEScan->setActiveScan(false);
pBLEScan->setWindow(1250). Does anyone have a solution suggestion?

I been trying to find a solution for this too.
initially when i was using the older arduino framework i had no issue for the bluetooth scan, when i updated to new framework i stated to have the scan_evt timeout issue.
so i went back to the older framework platform = espressif32@3.5.0, i will keep monitoring it.

but do anyone one have any solution to use the latest arduino framework of espressif32, that doesn’t cause the scan_evt timeout issue?