This look alright, first two on then the rest off.
I’d recommend to remove all but one ground wire between the ESP-Prog and target board and also remove the VDD3V3 wire. (The GNDs on the JTAG are all connected to each other internally).
Per debugging with JTAG no longer works (OCD-290) · Issue #137 · espressif/openocd-esp32 · GitHub you may also try to just use different cables in case one is a bit wonky.
I change the wires, and power over the usb, the result is the same
I also try with this module and the result is the same
Then either the openocd software is doing something wrong, or the Mac Os driver does something wrong, or the ESP-PROG is somehow configured in a wrong way or damaged. Otherwise I don’t have any more ideas. Let’s see what the Espressif people at ESP-PROG dont work (OCD-299) · Issue #140 · espressif/openocd-esp32 · GitHub say.