ESP Now odd Errors ESP8266

I try ESP8266 NodeMCU: ESP-NOW Web Server Sensor Dashboard | Random Nerd Tutorials to make it work
With the Arduino IDE it is compiling well
But with PlatformIO I get a lot of Errors
The Code

  Rui Santos
  Complete project details at
  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  of this software and associated documentation files.
  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
  copies or substantial portions of the Software.

#include <espnow.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
//#include <Adafruit_BME280.h>
//#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>

// Set your Board ID (ESP32 Sender #1 = BOARD_ID 1, ESP32 Sender #2 = BOARD_ID 2, etc)
#define BOARD_ID 1

//Adafruit_BME280 bme; 

//MAC Address of the receiver 
uint8_t broadcastAddress[] = { 0x30,0xAE,0xA4,0x73,0x55,0xF4 };

//Structure example to send data
//Must match the receiver structure
struct tEspMessage {
  float    Humidity;
  float    Temperature;
  uint32_t Station; 
  uint32_t Time;
  uint32_t Location;
} EspMessage;

//Create a struct_message called myData
tEspMessage myData;

unsigned long previousMillis = 0;   // Stores last time temperature was published
const long interval = 10000;        // Interval at which to publish sensor readings

// Insert your SSID
constexpr char WIFI_SSID[] = "GigisBoost";

int32_t getWiFiChannel(const char *ssid) {
  if (int32_t n = WiFi.scanNetworks()) {
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
      if (!strcmp(ssid, WiFi.SSID(i).c_str())) {
  return 0;

void initBME(){
  if (!bme.begin(0x76)) {
    Serial.println("Could not find a valid BME280 sensor, check wiring!");
    while (1);

float readTemperature() {
  float t =  39.5; //bme.readTemperature();
  return t;

float readHumidity() {
  float h = 95.45; //// bme.readHumidity();
  return h;

// Callback when data is sent
void OnDataSent(uint8_t *mac_addr, uint8_t sendStatus) {
  Serial.print("Last Packet Send Status: ");
  if (sendStatus == 0){
    Serial.println("Delivery success");
    Serial.println("Delivery fail");
void setup() {
  //Init Serial Monitor

  // Set device as a Wi-Fi Station and set channel

  int32_t channel = getWiFiChannel(WIFI_SSID);

  WiFi.printDiag(Serial); // Uncomment to verify channel number before
  WiFi.printDiag(Serial); // Uncomment to verify channel change after

  // Init ESP-NOW
  if (esp_now_init() != 0) {
    Serial.println("Error initializing ESP-NOW");

  // Once ESPNow is successfully Init, we will register for Send CB to
  // get the status of Trasnmitted packet

 // esp_now_add_peer(broadcastAddress, ESP_NOW_ROLE_SLAVE, 1, NULL, 0);
void loop() {
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
    // Save the last time a new reading was published
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    //Set values to send
    myData.Location = BOARD_ID;
    myData.Temperature = readTemperature();
    myData.Humidity = readHumidity();
    //myData.readingId = readingId++;
    esp_now_send(broadcastAddress, (uint8_t *) &myData, sizeof(myData));


The Errors

Dependency Graph
|-- Wire @ 1.0
|-- ESP8266WiFi @ 1.0
Building in release mode
Compiling .pio\build\esp12e\src\main.cpp.o
In file included from src\main.cpp:12:
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:41:16: error: typedef 'esp_now_recv_cb_t' is initialized (use 'decltype' instead)
   41 | typedef void (*esp_now_recv_cb_t)(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *data, u8 len);
      |                ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:41:35: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   41 | typedef void (*esp_now_recv_cb_t)(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *data, u8 len);
      |                                   ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:41:39: error: 'mac_addr' was not declared in this scope
   41 | typedef void (*esp_now_recv_cb_t)(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *data, u8 len);
      |                                       ^~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:41:49: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   41 | typedef void (*esp_now_recv_cb_t)(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *data, u8 len);
      |                                                 ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:41:53: error: 'data' was not declared in this scope
   41 | typedef void (*esp_now_recv_cb_t)(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *data, u8 len);
      |                                                     ^~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:41:59: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   41 | typedef void (*esp_now_recv_cb_t)(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *data, u8 len);
      |                                                           ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:42:16: error: typedef 'esp_now_send_cb_t' is initialized (use 'decltype' instead)
   42 | typedef void (*esp_now_send_cb_t)(u8 *mac_addr, u8 status);
      |                ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:42:35: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   42 | typedef void (*esp_now_send_cb_t)(u8 *mac_addr, u8 status);
      |                                   ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:42:39: error: 'mac_addr' was not declared in this scope
   42 | typedef void (*esp_now_send_cb_t)(u8 *mac_addr, u8 status);
      |                                       ^~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:42:49: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   42 | typedef void (*esp_now_send_cb_t)(u8 *mac_addr, u8 status);
      |                                                 ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:47:30: error: 'esp_now_send_cb_t' was not declared in this scope
   47 | int esp_now_register_send_cb(esp_now_send_cb_t cb);
      |                              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:50:30: error: 'esp_now_recv_cb_t' was not declared in this scope
   50 | int esp_now_register_recv_cb(esp_now_recv_cb_t cb);
      |                              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:53:18: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   53 | int esp_now_send(u8 *da, u8 *data, int len);
      |                  ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:53:22: error: 'da' was not declared in this scope
   53 | int esp_now_send(u8 *da, u8 *data, int len);
      |                      ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:53:26: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   53 | int esp_now_send(u8 *da, u8 *data, int len);
      |                          ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:53:30: error: 'data' was not declared in this scope
   53 | int esp_now_send(u8 *da, u8 *data, int len);
      |                              ^~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:53:36: error: expected primary-expression before 'int'
   53 | int esp_now_send(u8 *da, u8 *data, int len);
      |                                    ^~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:53:43: error: expression list treated as compound expression in initializer [-fpermissive]
   53 | int esp_now_send(u8 *da, u8 *data, int len);
      |                                           ^
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:55:22: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   55 | int esp_now_add_peer(u8 *mac_addr, u8 role, u8 channel, u8 *key, u8 key_len);
      |                      ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:55:26: error: 'mac_addr' was not declared in this scope
   55 | int esp_now_add_peer(u8 *mac_addr, u8 role, u8 channel, u8 *key, u8 key_len);
      |                          ^~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:55:36: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   55 | int esp_now_add_peer(u8 *mac_addr, u8 role, u8 channel, u8 *key, u8 key_len);
      |                                    ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:55:45: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   55 | int esp_now_add_peer(u8 *mac_addr, u8 role, u8 channel, u8 *key, u8 key_len);
      |                                             ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:55:57: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   55 | int esp_now_add_peer(u8 *mac_addr, u8 role, u8 channel, u8 *key, u8 key_len);
      |                                                         ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:55:61: error: 'key' was not declared in this scope
   55 | int esp_now_add_peer(u8 *mac_addr, u8 role, u8 channel, u8 *key, u8 key_len);
      |                                                             ^~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:55:66: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   55 | int esp_now_add_peer(u8 *mac_addr, u8 role, u8 channel, u8 *key, u8 key_len);
      |                                                                  ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:55:76: error: expression list treated as compound expression in initializer [-fpermissive]
   55 | int esp_now_add_peer(u8 *mac_addr, u8 role, u8 channel, u8 *key, u8 key_len);
      |                                                                            ^
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:56:22: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   56 | int esp_now_del_peer(u8 *mac_addr);
      |                      ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:56:26: error: 'mac_addr' was not declared in this scope
   56 | int esp_now_del_peer(u8 *mac_addr);
      |                          ^~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:58:27: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   58 | int esp_now_set_self_role(u8 role);
      |                           ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:61:27: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   61 | int esp_now_set_peer_role(u8 *mac_addr, u8 role);
      |                           ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:61:31: error: 'mac_addr' was not declared in this scope
   61 | int esp_now_set_peer_role(u8 *mac_addr, u8 role);
      |                               ^~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:61:41: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   61 | int esp_now_set_peer_role(u8 *mac_addr, u8 role);
      |                                         ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:61:48: error: expression list treated as compound expression in initializer [-fpermissive]
   61 | int esp_now_set_peer_role(u8 *mac_addr, u8 role);
      |                                                ^
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:62:27: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   62 | int esp_now_get_peer_role(u8 *mac_addr);
      |                           ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:62:31: error: 'mac_addr' was not declared in this scope
   62 | int esp_now_get_peer_role(u8 *mac_addr);
      |                               ^~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:64:30: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   64 | int esp_now_set_peer_channel(u8 *mac_addr, u8 channel);
      |                              ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:64:34: error: 'mac_addr' was not declared in this scope
   64 | int esp_now_set_peer_channel(u8 *mac_addr, u8 channel);
      |                                  ^~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:64:44: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   64 | int esp_now_set_peer_channel(u8 *mac_addr, u8 channel);
      |                                            ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:64:54: error: expression list treated as compound expression in initializer [-fpermissive]
   64 | int esp_now_set_peer_channel(u8 *mac_addr, u8 channel);
      |                                                      ^
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:65:30: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   65 | int esp_now_get_peer_channel(u8 *mac_addr);
      |                              ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:65:34: error: 'mac_addr' was not declared in this scope
   65 | int esp_now_get_peer_channel(u8 *mac_addr);
      |                                  ^~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:67:26: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   67 | int esp_now_set_peer_key(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *key, u8 key_len);
      |                          ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:67:30: error: 'mac_addr' was not declared in this scope
   67 | int esp_now_set_peer_key(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *key, u8 key_len);
      |                              ^~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:67:40: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   67 | int esp_now_set_peer_key(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *key, u8 key_len);
      |                                        ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:67:44: error: 'key' was not declared in this scope
   67 | int esp_now_set_peer_key(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *key, u8 key_len);
      |                                            ^~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:67:49: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   67 | int esp_now_set_peer_key(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *key, u8 key_len);
      |                                                 ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:67:59: error: expression list treated as compound expression in initializer [-fpermissive]
   67 | int esp_now_set_peer_key(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *key, u8 key_len);
      |                                                           ^
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:68:26: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   68 | int esp_now_get_peer_key(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *key, u8 *key_len);
      |                          ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:68:30: error: 'mac_addr' was not declared in this scope
   68 | int esp_now_get_peer_key(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *key, u8 *key_len);
      |                              ^~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:68:40: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   68 | int esp_now_get_peer_key(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *key, u8 *key_len);
      |                                        ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:68:44: error: 'key' was not declared in this scope
   68 | int esp_now_get_peer_key(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *key, u8 *key_len);
      |                                            ^~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:68:49: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   68 | int esp_now_get_peer_key(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *key, u8 *key_len);
      |                                                 ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:68:53: error: 'key_len' was not declared in this scope
   68 | int esp_now_get_peer_key(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *key, u8 *key_len);
      |                                                     ^~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:68:60: error: expression list treated as compound expression in initializer [-fpermissive]
   68 | int esp_now_get_peer_key(u8 *mac_addr, u8 *key, u8 *key_len);
      |                                                            ^
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:70:1: error: 'u8' does not name a type
   70 | u8 *esp_now_fetch_peer(bool restart);
      | ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:72:27: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   72 | int esp_now_is_peer_exist(u8 *mac_addr);
      |                           ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:72:31: error: 'mac_addr' was not declared in this scope
   72 | int esp_now_is_peer_exist(u8 *mac_addr);
      |                               ^~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:74:26: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   74 | int esp_now_get_cnt_info(u8 *all_cnt, u8 *encrypt_cnt);
      |                          ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:74:30: error: 'all_cnt' was not declared in this scope
   74 | int esp_now_get_cnt_info(u8 *all_cnt, u8 *encrypt_cnt);
      |                              ^~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:74:39: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   74 | int esp_now_get_cnt_info(u8 *all_cnt, u8 *encrypt_cnt);
      |                                       ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:74:43: error: 'encrypt_cnt' was not declared in this scope
   74 | int esp_now_get_cnt_info(u8 *all_cnt, u8 *encrypt_cnt);
      |                                           ^~~~~~~~~~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:74:54: error: expression list treated as compound expression in initializer [-fpermissive]
   74 | int esp_now_get_cnt_info(u8 *all_cnt, u8 *encrypt_cnt);
      |                                                      ^
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:76:21: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   76 | int esp_now_set_kok(u8 *key, u8 len);
      |                     ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:76:25: error: 'key' was not declared in this scope
   76 | int esp_now_set_kok(u8 *key, u8 len);
      |                         ^~~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:76:30: error: 'u8' was not declared in this scope
   76 | int esp_now_set_kok(u8 *key, u8 len);
      |                              ^~
C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\tools\sdk\include/espnow.h:76:36: error: expression list treated as compound expression in initializer [-fpermissive]
   76 | int esp_now_set_kok(u8 *key, u8 len);
      |                                    ^
src\main.cpp: In function 'void setup()':
src\main.cpp:109:49: error: 'esp_now_set_self_role' cannot be used as a function
  109 |    esp_now_set_self_role(ESP_NOW_ROLE_CONTROLLER);
      |                                                 ^
src\main.cpp:111:38: error: 'esp_now_register_send_cb' cannot be used as a function
  111 |   esp_now_register_send_cb(OnDataSent);
      |                                      ^
src\main.cpp: In function 'void loop()':
src\main.cpp:127:71: error: 'esp_now_send' cannot be used as a function
  127 |     esp_now_send(broadcastAddress, (uint8_t *) &myData, sizeof(myData));
      |                                                                       ^
*** [.pio\build\esp12e\src\main.cpp.o] Error 1
================================================================================================================================ [FAILED] Took 2.07 seconds ================================================================================================================================

 *  The terminal process "C:\Users\ats37\.platformio\penv\Scripts\platformio.exe 'run', '--environment', 'esp12e'" terminated with exit code: 1. 
 *  Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it. 

You need to #include <Arduino.h> !
(This is done automatically in ArduinoIDE but not in PlatformIO)

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <espnow.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <Adafruit_BME280.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>

// rest of the code....

Wow Thank you I thought a big core Problem. Merry Christmas !!!