ESP NOW initialization crashes the program

Hi all,
I wanted to use ESP-NOW for a project with the ESP32 thing, but simply calling esp_now_init() crashes the program and causes the guru meditation error.

I tried running an empty project, and it does not cause this error.

It might be incompatible with one of the peripherals I am using… I am using an I2C port, an SPI port and the ESP-PROG for debugging.

Any idea or reference for limitations for ESP-NOW that could explain this? I was thinking I should just use BLE instead but it looks more complicated to use between 2 ESP32 devices.

my .ini just in case:


platform = espressif32
board = esp32thing
framework = arduino

; ###############################################################

; ESP32-PROG Environment (remove if uploading directly to ESP32)

; ###############################################################

monitor_speed = 115200  
debug_tool = esp-prog
debug_speed = 12000
debug_init_break = tbreak setup
upload_protocol = esp-prog
upload_port = COM14

; board_build.mcu = esp32
; board_build.f_cpu = 240000000L

; ###############################################################

build_flags =














; ###############################################################

; Project Libraries

; ###############################################################

lib_deps = 

Did you make sure to disconnect from regular WiFi first? Otherwise ESP-NOW can’t work.

You should try the above reference sketch from the Arduino-ESP32 to check the functionality, with the matching master sketch.

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My bad! I should have read the ESP NOW guide first. I hadnt started wifi, so esp now init was probably using an uninitialized pointer somewhere and caused a memory failure. It works now, thanks!