Hello all,
I have been playing with PIO and ESP-IDF for the past few days. Quite the learning curve, but very enjoyable to understand all the possibilities one has at a lower level than the arduino wrapper.
I have an issue not sure if it’s on my end or on PIO. Basically if I want to move in pio run -t menuconfig using my arrow keys to modify my setup I need to choose git bash as default shell. Works just fine, I get a menuconfig of blue color and different from the one i get from CMD.The actual issue is , for instance in Component Config → Bluetooth I have no entries whatsoever from menuconfig in GIT Bash but get all normal entries from CMD by running the same command. Below you can see what GIT Bash shows :
Currently I reverted to CMD after learning I can use j and k to move up and down. So i have again access to all entries from menuconfig. Is there something wrong on my end ?
Best regards