ESP-IDF Extension Loads in Every VS Code Folder – How to Restrict It to ESP-IDF Workspaces?

I have installed ESP-IDF and PlatformIO on my system, but I’ve noticed that the ESP-IDF extension in VS Code initializes in every folder I open, even if it’s not an ESP-IDF project.

I would like the ESP-IDF extension to only activate when I open an actual ESP-IDF workspace instead of running in every directory.

Has anyone encountered this issue before? Is there a way to configure VS Code or the ESP-IDF extension to detect and activate only in ESP-IDF-related projects?

Any help would be appreciated!

Hi @michalischachalios !
This is the PlatformIO Community forum :wink:

Since your question is about the ESP-IDF extension, it is better placed here:

or here:

By the way, in the past it has always led to problems in PlatformIO when the ESP-IDF extension is installed at the same time.