Error: You are not connected to the Internet - pio 3.6.7

I’m still using pio version 3.6.7 - I have docker containter build with my CI.
Recently it stopped working - also locally Im not able to download dependencies because of no internet issue. Has anything changed ? Is there a way to fix this ?

pio platform install atmelavr --with-package=uploader --with-package=framework-arduino-avr
PlatformManager: Installing atmelavr
atmelavr @ 2.2.0 is already installed
PackageManager: Installing tool-micronucleus @ ~1.200.0
Error: You are not connected to the Internet.
If you build a project first time, we need Internet connection to install all dependencies and toolchains.

That is 2 major versions behind the current 5.2.0 version. Are you 100% sure about this? pio --version?

Maybe @ivankravets has some ideas.

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Could you share with us your Dockerfile? Please use the next lines

RUN pip install -U platformio

yes Im using version 3.6.7 - because since version 4 my code is not able to finish compilation, it’s falling into some kind of loop and never finishes, so Im keep using version which works for me.

Everything was working fine - but stopped some time ago - even when I run command to install avr locally on my laptop (also with version 3.6.7) its failnig with same error which I get on gitlab

pio platform install atmelavr --with-package=uploader --with-package=framework-arduino-avr

Error: You are not connected to the Internet.
If you build a project first time, we need Internet connection to install all dependencies and toolchains.

here is my docker file


RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y udev

RUN mkdir -p /home-firmware-libs &&
mkdir -p /home-firmware-cpu-libs/cpu &&
mkdir -p /workspace/modules &&
mkdir -p /workspace/upload

COPY libraries/common /home-firmware-libs
COPY libraries/cpu /home-firmware-cpu-lib/cpu
COPY modules /workspace/modules
COPY upload /workspace/upload

RUN sed -i “/^PIO_PATH/c\PIO_PATH=‘platformio’” /workspace/upload/
RUN sed -i “/^BASE_PATH/c\BASE_PATH=‘/workspace/modules’” /workspace/upload/
RUN sed -i “/^LIBRARIES/c\LIBRARIES=‘/home-firmware-cpu-lib’” /workspace/upload/

RUN platformio platform install atmelavr --with-package=uploader --with-package=framework-arduino-avr
RUN platformio platform install atmelsam --with-package=uploader --with-package=framework-cmsis --with-package=framework-cmsis-atmel --with-package=framework-arduino-sam
RUN platformio platform install ststm32 --with-package=uploader --with-package=toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi --with-package=framework-arduinoststm32
RUN platformio platform install espressif8266 --with-package=uploader --with-package=toolchain-xtensa --with-package=tool-esptool --with-package=tool-esptoolpy --with-package=framework-arduinoespressif8266

ENTRYPOINT [“/bin/bash”, “/workspace/upload/”]

You need to provide a simple project that DOES NOT WORK with the latest PlatformIO Core 5.0. Please include it here.

All projects are compatible with PlatformIO Core 5.0.

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sure we can do this in some near future :slight_smile: but for now is there anything I can do to make 3.6.7 version working again ?

@ivankravets is there anything I can change to make it work with 3.6.7 ?

Please use the latest PlatformIO Core 5. It is compatible with previous projects. If you have compilation issue with Core 5, please report them.