Error uploading via remote

PlatformIO Plus ( v0.6.10
Building project locally
[Sun Feb 12 21:02:31 2017] Processing controller (upload_protocol: usbasp, framework: arduino, lib_install: 431, upload_flags: -Pusb -B5, platform: atmelavr, board: gatekeeper-controller)

Verbose mode can be enabled via -v, --verbose option
Collected 30 compatible libraries
Looking for dependencies…
Library Dependency Graph
|-- v0.3.8-dev
Checking program size
text data bss dec hex filename
10736 436 651 11823 2e2f .pioenvs/controller/firmware.elf
================================================================================================== [SUCCESS] Took 0.79 seconds ==================================================================================================
Uploading firmware remotely
[Sun Feb 12 20:02:34 2017] Processing controller (upload_protocol: usbasp, framework: arduino, lib_install: 431, upload_flags: -Pusb -B5, platform: atmelavr, board: gatekeeper-controller)

PlatformManager: Installing atmelavr
atmelavr @ 1.4.2 has been successfully installed!
The platform ‘atmelavr’ has been successfully installed!
The rest of packages will be installed automatically depending on your build environment.
Error: Unknown board ID ‘gatekeeper-controller’

@ivankravets any ideas ?

It seems that problem is caused by a custom board which manifest has not been synchronized with a remote machine. Temporary solution is to manually copy custom board.json to ~./platformio/boards folder.

Please file an issue here Issues · platformio/platformio-core · GitHub

Sorry but no time for that atm :frowning: