Error: Python 3.6 or later is required for this operation


I’m using Platformio with Sublime text 3 and Deviot.

When I try to compile a projet I get this message:

“Error: Python 3.6 or later is required for this operation.
Please check a migration guide:
Migrating from 5.x to 6.0 — PlatformIO latest documentation

I followed the migration guide guide but I have the same problem. What could be the problem? Find below info given by pio system info.

--------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------
PlatformIO Core             5.1.1
Python                      3.9.5-final.0
System Type                 windows_amd64
Platform                    Windows-10
File System Encoding        utf-8
Locale Encoding             cp1252
PlatformIO Core Directory   C:\Users\Ruben\.platformio
PlatformIO Core Executable  C:\Users\Ruben\.platformio\penv\Scripts\platformio.exe
Python Executable           c:\users\ruben\.platformio\penv\scripts\python.exe
Global Libraries            0
Development Platforms       2
Tools & Toolchains          10
--------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------

The exception is raised by

Can you please open a command terminal (Windows + R → cmd.exe) and execute

c:\users\ruben\.platformio\penv\scripts\python.exe -c "import sys; print(sys.version_info); print('Compat: ' + str(sys.version_info >= (3,6)))"

and post the output?