Error: Could not find the package with 'asrmicro650x' requirements for Linux x86_64

Hi PlatformIO Community,

I’m working on compiling a PlatformIO project, but I’m running into an issue when resolving debug dependencies. Here’s the error I encountered:

Resolving debug dependencies...
Platform Manager: Installing asrmicro650x
UnknownPackageError: Could not find the package with 'asrmicro650x' requirements for your system 'linux_x86_64'

Does anyone know how to resolve this error or if additional steps are needed to install the asrmicro650x package for Linux x86_64?

Thank you for your assistance!

You get this error because the asrmicro650x platform is not registered in the PIO registry.

  1. Either you open a CLI and execute
pio pkg install -g -p ""
  1. Or set in the platformio.ini
platform =

to reference the platform directly from the repo.

Thanks, it worked!
I initially had platform = asrmicro650x and had no problem building on macOS.

I set platform =, but then PIO complained that this would be obsolete, so I had to use platform = heltec-cubecell.

Now it’s building fine on Linux.

Oh yes! If is more up-to-date, please use that, and not platform-asrmicro650x.

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