I’d like to know what are the consequences if the “platforms” and “frameworks” fields are left empty. My library is platform and framework independent so I specified *
for both. However, it looks ugly.
I’m afraid if I leave them empty the library can’t be found e.g. with “framework:mbed lvgl”.
Could you clarify the behavior in this case?
Hi Gabor,
Thanks for your questions. Your library.json
manifest file looks great. Quick answers:
" if the “platforms” and “frameworks” fields are left empty.", I’ve just added a fix for this. It will work in upcoming PlatformIO Core 4.4. So, please keep *
for a while.
" it looks ugly.". This is a legacy front-end for the registry. It was created in 2014 and we didn’t change it. We work on the new front-end that should be more user friendly and provide more useful information about the package (library, dev-platform, or tool). We plan to release it next month. Firstly, we should deploy new PIO Core 4.4 that have full support for the new registry.
Please follow us at https://twitter.com/PlatformIO_Org or https://www.linkedin.com/company/platformio/ to be notified about upcoming updates. Thanks!
Thank you for the fix, Ivan.
The “ugly” word wasn’t a complaint I just wasn’t sure what the intended way is to describe platform independence.
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