Does PlatformIO support 8051 in particular CC253X

I may not know enough to frame the question. I have some E18-ms1 which has a CC2530.
Since PlatfromIO supports ESP and STM chips, which I have done some projects on both, I thought there would be a CC253X. As I dug deeper I see the CC253X is based on the 8051. The few Zigbee projects I look at IAR workbench. Although it does have a free trial it does not have a non-commercial option that a tinker can use or afford.
Does PlatfromIO have any options in this area?

PlatformIO does not support this particular chip, but 8051 chips in general per GitHub - platformio/platform-intel_mcs51: Intel MCS-51 (8051): development platform for PlatformIO and Intel MCS-51 (8051) — PlatformIO latest documentation. The underlying compiler is the free SDCC compiler. If the TI CC253x is 8051 based, please open a feature-request issue in that Github repo.

On the other hand, ARM-type TI CC13x0 chips are supported.

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