Digitalwritefast - just for info

I used the PIO library manager today to add the digital write fast library to my project. It added the line

lib_deps = watterott/digitalWriteFast@^1.0.0

after my existing lib_deps entry. On compiling I found my accelstepper lib was clobbered. On inspection of the PIO.ini, the digital write fast lib entry above was placed after the existing lib_deps entry:

lib_deps = 

I guess the two lib_deps entries confused things, so I placed all the entries into the one section

lib_deps = 

which compiles fine.

If the library manager didn’t respect existing lib_deps entries (probably manually written?) in the platformio.ini, then this looks like a bug, can you file one in Issues · platformio/platformio-vscode-ide · GitHub?

ok, I posted issue 3788