Default adding entries in platformio.ini

maybe thats a silly question, but I spent a lot of time in reading discussions and dcumentataion but did not find what I something.
If I create a new project, I select the platform and then get a platform.ini file. So long so good, but there are entries I need always too. Best example a monitor_speed and even others. It’s annoying to add these always manualy. Is the a way to preset these entries somewhere so that they will be added each a new platformIO.ini ist created. Even if I do not need all of them it is easyer to delete some of them, than to have to add them each time.

Thanks for hint

Hi @muekno, unfortunately, there is no an easy way to achieve what you want, although I believe it’s possible to use an environment variable that declares a special extra scripts with some logic that adds default monitor speed globally; still I’d not recommend that approach as it’s implicitly affects your project, which may be hard to debug in future.