I am having problems flashing my Heltec V3 board with my firmware using the ESP Prog debug probe. I am able to build my firmware without problems, but flashing results in these errors:
I followed the guide specified here to install the driver for the ESP prog, and also reflected the configuration settings in my platform.ini file:
Here are my ini file definitions as well:
platform = espressif32
board = heltec_wifi_lora_32_V3
framework = arduino
upload_protocol = esp-prog
extends = esp32s3_base
debug_tool = esp-prog
debug_init_break = tbreak setup
board_check = true
//Temporary until espressif creates a release with this new target
build_flags =
${esp32s3_base.build_flags} -D HELTEC_V3 -I variants/heltec_v3
-DGPS_POWER_TOGGLE ; comment this line to disable triple press function on the user button to turn off gps entirely.
I have double and triple checked my wiring for the 4 debug signals, power and ground. I also tried powering my MCU and the probe independently as opposed to the shared 3.3 or 5V pins. I also double checked the driver installation and I am getting a connection on my COM Port. Any help is appreciated.