Hmm that’s interesting. With just Linux and an unmodified GDB client, just with my platformio.ini
platform = atmelmegaavr
;board = ATmega4809
board = nano_every
framework = arduino
upload_protocol = custom
upload_flags =
upload_command = avrdude $UPLOAD_FLAGS -U flash:w:$SOURCE:i
debug_tool = custom
; no debug server
debug_server =
debug_port =
build_type = debug
debug_load_mode = manual
debug_init_cmds =
target extended-remote $DEBUG_PORT
debug_init_break = tbreak loop
and starting the GDB server with pyAVRdbg, I get to the point where the microcontroller briefly halts in some code, then continues running, but I can stop it using the pause button.
Didn’t have to modify any JavaScript or replace my GDB client or anything.
But it still has problems resetting the chip and halting at my breakpoint (in loop