DallasTemperature library versions arduino ide vs platformio

OS: Linux Manjaro 22.0.0

just starting with PIO.
I saw big binary file size difference in compiling a binary of a project either in ArduinoIDE or PIO,

So I compared the libraries of the project and one draw my attention: DallasTemperature

Dependency Graph
|-- DallasTemperature @ 3.11.0

While using ArduinoIDE 1.8.19
Using library DallasTemperature at version 3.9.0

So version 3.11 vs 3.9.0, but there is no version 3.11 on the release history…

But on the other side I found

Some questions
I’m not very experienced, but are they really 3.9 & 3.11 versions?
If not why the PIO and Arduinoide show different versions.
How can I install version 3.9 into PIO, as I wish to see why with Arduinoide the binary is 390K, while with PIO it’s 589K.




with the releases it looks like not every version upgrade generated a release.

As the library installation page and the available versions tell you:

lib_deps =

in the platformio.ini.

Continuing the discussion from DallasTemperature library versions arduino ide vs platformio:

My default ini after library installs, it marks 3.11 and not 3.09

lib_deps =
ESP Async WebServer

with the releases it looks like not every version upgrade generated a release.

So where are the 50% increase of binary size by PIO comes from?
Apparently all libraries versions equally compares in ArduinoIDE and PIO.

Are you using 3.9.0 now in PIO or not?