Customized library structure issues

I downloaded Lora library for Arduino to customize some features. I put that library in folder lib/. It has tructure as below in lib/:

I downloaded Lora library for Arduino to customize some features. I put that library in folder lib/. It has tructure as below in lib/:

Finally, I can add all lib’s source files.
this is my configuration of platformio.ini to add libirary:

lib_extra_dirs = …/libs

However when call a function in lib/boards/arduino/board.cpp, it gets this erros:

C:\Users\dhquan\AppData\Local\Temp\ccoQISQW.ltrans0.ltrans.o: In function main':_** **_ccoQISQW.ltrans0.o:(.text.startup+0x120): undefined reference to BoardInitMcu()’

And this is my project:
Please help me fix this problems?