Custom named binary firmware does not overwrite once re-compiled?


I was renaming the build binary in .ini and it seems when ever I compile, the build binary doesn’t get overwrite by the new binary (seems like the firmware doesn’t even attempt to build from scratch ) .Is this how pio suppose to work or is there way to overwrite the existing binary which has the same name?
or do we need to run pio run -t clean before compiling ?

my .ini is ;


platform = ststm32
board = nucleo_f767zi
framework = arduino
upload_protocol = serial
build_flags =

-D VERSION =“2.0”


@maxgerhardt any comment on this would be appreciated.

How? I don’t see a script in there that would rename the firmware.bin to something else.

Also the string macro doesn’t look correctly escaped in accordance to

Hi @maxgerhardt this is the script i used,


firmware_ver = None

my_flags = env.ParseFlags(env[‘BUILD_FLAGS’])
for x in my_flags.get(“CPPDEFINES”):
# some flags are just defines without value instead of key, value pair
if isinstance(x, list):
# grab as key, value
k, v = x
if k == “VERSION”:
firmware_ver = v
# no need to iterate further


But it’s not referenced in

What’s the full platformio.ini?

sorry i didn’t copy the whole .ini


platform = ststm32
board = nucleo_f767zi
framework = arduino
upload_protocol = serial
build_flags =

-D VERSION =“2.0”

extra_scripts =

So there’s only the global environment? No [env:xyz]?

There is an env :xyz which in my case


extends = env:dev-xyz

where as ;
lib_deps =

build_flags =

extra_scripts =

Also, I used env development when compiling the code.