Could not initialize project: PIO Core Call Error

Dear All, I’m totally desperate,
I can’t create a new project for Raspberry Pi 2b. Every time when I use the Project Wizard, I fill in…:
a) the project name
b) select the Board => “Raspberry Pi 2 Model B”
c) Framework “WiringPi”
…and push the button “Finish”.

I get following error message:
Could not initialize project
PIO Core Call Error: “The following files/directories have been created in /home/admin/Documents/PlatformIO/Projects/test\ninclude - Put project header files here\nlib - Put project specific (private) libraries here\nsrc - Put project source files here\nplatformio.ini - Project Configuration File\nResolving raspberrypi_2b dependencies…\nPlatform Manager: Installing linux_arm\nDownloading 0% 10% 20%\nUnpacking 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%\nPlatform Manager: linux_arm@1.6.0 has been installed!\nTool Manager: Installing platformio/framework-wiringpi @ ~1.242.0\n\n\nUnknownPackageError: Could not find the package with ‘platformio/framework-wiringpi @ ~1.242.0’ requirements for your system ‘linux_aarch64’”

Finally, the Project Wizard stops and the project can’t be created!
I tried several times and installed the system completely new (Rasberry OS 64-bit and 32-bit), Visual Studio Code, PlatformIO, latest versions.

What can I do?

Thank you for support

Per this package is only available for arm32, but this output says that PIO recognizes you’re running 64-bit ARM. You may need a very old 32-bit image.

Not sure why it would be restricted to 32-bit ARM though. In any case, this package is 6 years old, so I can’t recommend it at all for developing with it. PlatformIO is hopelessly outdated in the platform-linux_arm and framework.

Also note that PlatformIO cannot cross-compile for platform-linux_arm. To create a Raspberry Pi project, it expects you to execute PlatformIO on the Raspberry directly.

…thank you very much for your reply.
But bad news for me, this means, I have to search for a nother programming solution :unamused:. Maybe Thonny…?

Well as Wiringpi is just a C library that you can link against, you can create your C (or C++) project in any IDE you want that supports this language. So you can absolutely use VSCode and the C/C++ extension, or the Makefile extension, with it.

I also heard pigpio library is newer than Wiringpi and should be used instead.