Connecting STM32 Blackpill NOT WORKING

I have connected my STM32F 411CEU6 Blackpill development board via an FTDI cable - on Arduino, everything uploads without any issues and these are the settings I have applied to be able to talk to the blackpill.

I am trying to simply run the blink program but have found that challenging on PlatformIO. Here are my platform.ini and device settings. Thank you all in advance!



platform = ststm32

board = blackpill_f411ce

framework = arduino

board_upload_method_weacthidmethod = WeAct_HID_Bootloader

board_upload_method_weacthidmethod_upload_protocol = hid22

board_upload_method_weacthidmethod_upload_tool = weact_hid_upload

board_upload_method_weacthidmethod_build_bootloader_flags = -DBL_HID -DVECT_TAB_OFFSET={build_flash_offset}

monitor_port = COM3

monitor_speed = 115200

Device details:

Port COM3, USB Serial Port (COM3), USB VID: PID=0403.6001 SER=A10L2ECEA

Not a direct answer for your question, but for a blackpill I would recommend. 1) Using the build in USB for serial communication to the PC and 2) Using a STLink V2 debugger to upload and debug program. Having a debugger is priceless and a major time saver.

Here is a platformio file of a similar configuration:

Wut? This doesn’t match “Upload method: Serial” at all

Just set

platform = ststm32
board = blackpill_f411ce
framework = arduino
upload_protocol = serial
; as needed
; upload_port = COM3
monitor_port = COM3
monitor_speed = 115200