I have two environments in my platformio.ini file [native_test] (for device independent unit tests) and [feather_m0] (actual device code). When I hit the upload button on the toolbar it attempts to upload both environments. Is there a way to inhibit upload for the native_test environment? Or set the environment for toolbar’s upload operation?
Yes, you can have special [platformio]
section your platformio.ini
file to declare your default environment.
Doc: Redirecting...
env_default = feather_m0
platform = atmelsam
framework = arduino
board = adafruit_feather_m0
platform = ....
You will have to change that every time you want to upload to a different environment or always upload via the commandline using the environment switch pio run -t upload -e feather_m0
Cool! Thanks.
Of course, now I’d like it that when I hit the Test button it would run only the native_test
Thank you! This tip needs to get incorporated into the instructions for trying out the examples – which by default will build for and attempt to upload to all listed possible platforms. Seems like this default behavior could brick a device for an unsuspecting new user.