Compiling Sketch from Arduino IDE in PlatformIO


I’m a little bit puzzled.
I’m converting from Arduino IDE to VSCode/PaltformIO.
As a test I took the code from the FastLED library (example RGBCalibrate.ino")
and compiled it in VSCode.
It compiles successfully and creates a binary file.
However, when reviewing the code, it’s marking the line (#51) saying
identifier WS2811 is undefined”.

This code has not changed compared to the “Arduino-IDE” version.
What is the reason that it complains the identifier from the FastLED library but compiles it?

Here is the code (can’t upload the code example (not even in a zip file)).
Dropbox file

Any suggestion is much appreciated.

If an error such as “identifier xxx is undefined” occurs, the project cannot be compiled and no binary firmware file is created.

The code you shared via Dropbox does not even have a line #51.

Did you include FastLED in the lib_deps in your platformio.ini ?

lib_deps =