[common] section extra_scripts always run?

In my platformio.ini I set up two environments, one for release [env:RELEASE] and one for debug [env:DEBUG]. In section [common], there are extra_scripts defined…

The release environment includes these scripts via the line extra_scripts = ${common.extra_scripts} and this works fine when default_env = RELEASE.

However in the debug environment extra_scripts does NOT reference the [common] section values but yet these scripts run anyway when default_env=DEBUG !

I would not expect those [common] scripts to run when using the DEBUG env.

Here’s the file:

default_envs = DEBUG

build_flags = 
extra_scripts = 

platform = ststm32@11.0.0
framework = cmsis
board = btt_tft35_v3
build_flags = 
extra_scripts = ${common.extra_scripts}     ; use scripts from [common]

platform = ststm32@11.0.0
framework = cmsis
board = btt_tft35_v3
upload_protocol = stlink
build_flags = 
extra_scripts = 
build_type = debug
debug_tool = stlink

Anyone seen this behavior before?