Color settings for unused code

in the statement:

#ifdef STM32_DEVICE
#include <application.h>

#include <Arduino.h>


how can I see and change the color of unused code?

You need Visual Studio Code Themes


sorry to open up that topic again, but I could not not make the code under a inactive #ifdef statement appear like active code.
I tried “File → Preferences → Settings” and unticked the box of “Editor: Show Unused - Controls fading out of unused code”. Now when I start up Visual Studio Code / PlatformIO the respective code is first in bright colours before being greyed out.
I am using settings in the picture.
Can someone give me a hint how to display the inactive code also bright?
Kind regards,

Do a search of the settings for ‘inactive’, and untick the dim option there… you’re after the one that dims the inactive preprocessor blocks - not sure what the 'unused code option controls visibility of.