Code builds, but does not boot. Works with Arduino IDE


I’m trying to move my project from Arduino IDE to PlatoformIO, but I’m having some trouble. It’s for a NodeMCUv2 board. It compiles and works fine on the board using Arduino IDE, but not when compiled using PlatformIO. I’m using PlatformIDE for Atom, on Linux Mint.

I created a new project, pasted the code from my sketch into src/main.cpp, added a private library at lib/, and this is my platform.ini:

platform = espressif8266
board = nodemcuv2
framework = arduino
build_flags = !python

lib_deps =

It compiles without any errors and seems to upload without any problems as well, but using the serial monitor to check if it works, all I see is:

— Miniterm on /dev/ttyUSB0 115200,8,N,1 —
— Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H —

ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)

load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16
tail 8
chksum 0x2d
csum 0x2d

It appears it is not running anything after booting. The binaries produced are different. Don’t know what else to do to troubleshoot this.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

In your Arduino IDE, what does the Board Manager say about the installed ESP8266 version?

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Sorry for the delay. It’s NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module), version 2.5.0. I got it from this package.

Could you please try and use

platform = espressif8266@2.0.0

in your platformio.ini instead of the espressif8266. This equalizes the used Arduino ESP8266 framework version (see here).

Hi! Have the same problem. Even setting
platform = espressif8266@2.0.0
doesn’t work for me

platform = espressif8266@2.0.0
board = esp01_1m
framework = arduino

Could you post a minimal code example that reproduces that error and the serial log for it please.

Oh actually this misses a few critical bugfixes which relate to the non-booting problem. Could you try

platform = espressif8266@2.0.4


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It worked with version 2.0.4 :slight_smile: Thanks!

Could you still share a minimal code example which does not work at the current platform = espressif8266@2.2.1? Using an older version is not the best solution :confused:

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I tried to make a new project with a simpler version of my code, but still using the private library I’m using. It’s based on this example, that uses this library, placed under lib/

The entire project is here if you want to try on you machine.

It did not work with version espressif8266@2.2.1, same serial output form my original post, but worked with espressif8266@2.0.4.

And here is log of the upload.

[made two posts because I can’t post more than 2 links]

Another thing I noticed, uploading via CLI is also not working. The below part of the upload does not appear in the log:

Uploading .pioenvs/nodemcuv2/firmware.bin
Uploading 481072 bytes from .pioenvs/nodemcuv2/firmware.bin to flash at 0x00000000
................................................................................ [ 17% ]
................................................................................ [ 34% ]
................................................................................ [ 51% ]
................................................................................ [ 68% ]
................................................................................ [ 85% ]
................................................................................ [ 100% ]

I used the command

pio run --target upload

But clicking the Upload button worked.

I fixed the problem!
platform = espressif8266
board = esp01_1m
framework = arduino
board_build.flash_mode = dout
monitor_speed = 115200
; upload_protocol = espota
; upload_port =

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Maybe, this is a real issue?