Hi there!
I am moving my first steps with platformio and I happy about my progresses. I like this tool!
My problem: I have installed platformio through conda and so far, it is working fairly well. I managed to setup pretty much everything (I am using Vim with clangd and I only have an Arduino board) and my aim is to learn a bit of freeRTOS.
I found this and I managed to build this example. I just added #include "Arduino.h"
in the source file and I renamed the file as main.cpp
Although the code builds, it clangd reports two errors.
In the line:
#include <Arduino_FreeRTOS.h>
it says:
In included file: avr/io.h file not found .pio/libdeps/uno/FreeRTOS/src/FreeRTOS...
and in the line
it says: Use of undeclared identifier 'Serial'
My platformio.ini follows:
platform = atmelavr
board = uno
framework = arduino
lib_deps = feilipu/FreeRTOS@^10.5.1-1
build_flags = -Ilib -Isrc
Any help is appreciated!