Today I want to analyze my codebase using clangtidy
. I’ve setup simple configuration for my env:
check_tool = clangtidy
check_severity = low, medium, high
check_flags =
clangtidy: --checks=-*,bugprone-*,cppcoreguidelines-*,clang-analyzer-*,hicpp-*,modernize-*,performance-*,readability-*
And unfortunately, it always give me this output from my pio check
Checking nodemcuv2 > clangtidy (platform: espressif8266; board: nodemcuv2; framework: arduino)
Error: Failed to execute check command! Exited with code 127.
Error: clangtidy failed to perform check! Please examine tool output in verbose mode.
============================================================== [FAILED] Took 0.01 seconds ==============================================================
Environment Tool Status Duration
------------- --------- -------- ------------
nodemcuv2 clangtidy FAILED 00:00:00.012
This problem let me check directly to the clang-tidy
binary that PlatformIO bring on my ~/.platformio/packages/tool-clangtidy/clang-tidy
At least i want to call it directly to check the version or so ./clang-tidy --version
and this is what i got:
./clang-tidy: error while loading shared libraries: libtinfo.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I have no clue what’s going on here, I don’t want to mess around with my system (looking for that one shared library) for now. My system’s clang-tidy is just working fine. So my solution was to let the PlatformIO using my own clang-tidy.
Create a link from my clang-tidy binary to PlatformIO tool-clangtidy
- Backup the error binary first
$ mv clang-tidy clang-tidy_pio-error
- Create a link from system’s clang-tidy executable file to current directory (~/.platformio/packages/tool-clangtidy/clang-tidy)
$ ln -sf /usr/bin/clang-tidy ./clang-tidy
And now pio check
should be fine!
Additional resources
- my package.json file: pastebin
- my system’s
clang-tidy --version
LLVM (http://llvm.org/):
LLVM version 11.0.1
Optimized build.
Default target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Host CPU: haswell
- Kernel
Linux 5.10.7-zen1-1-zen #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT Wed, 13 Jan 2021 13:23:18 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
clang-tidy executable binary that PlatformIO bring is not working on my machine (Arch Linux) because of libtinfo.so.5
is not found.
I appreciate all the questions, feedback, or ideas to this problem!