I seem to have problems in running the platformio CI on CircleCI.
Going through your documentation, I only see two things needed for it:
# Install the latest stable PlatformIO
- sudo pip install -U platformio
- pio run -e <ID_1> -e <ID_2> -e <ID_N>
Going through the CircleCi documentation v2.1, I see the concepts of jobs, workflows and even orbs. I dont quite understand how these things relate to jobs I need to configure CircleCI.
After installing the platformio in my docker container (cimg/python:3.9.4), it seems to be unavailable when invoked by the pio run command. Is there something else needed to run it in docker/circleci?
I see you’re using circleci/python@1.4.0 as your docker image. On CirceCI website I’ve seen there that they are using something like cimg/python@x.y.z. and circleci images have been put to legacy.