Checking status on a published package

I have published a package using the instructions provided here: Redirecting...

What is the process of getting this trough?
And how can I check the status on it?

When I publish packets I usually just get an email a few (1-2) days later saying my package was published. I think the status between that doesn’t change much until the PlatformIO staff looks over it and approves it. There’s no status check website / API as far as I know…

Please correct if I’m wrong here @ivankravets

Sorry, I don’t remember which questions did we have internally with our team. We’ve just approved it.

Yes, there is no API for this. There 2 ways: we approve or does not. Normally, we contact package maintainer if see any issue.

The problem is related to license, package structure, conflicts, etc. This is why we don’t have automated process for this yet.