Change Upload button to Upload and Monitor?

Is there a simple way to attach the Launch button to the Launch And Monitor function instead?


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I’m not at my system right now, but I’m pretty sure there’s an option for that. Have a look in the options, search for monitor, and you should find it.

Apologies for the vagueness of my reply.


And it seems I remembered correctly!

  • File->Preferences->Settings (or CTRL ,)
  • Search for monitor
  • Tick the option “Platformio:Force upload and monitor”


Thanks @normandunbar, that works. The tool tip still shows Upload but the command line now has also ‘–target monitor’.

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I don’t see the option Upload and Monitor in the platformio extension settings. I only see Auto Close and Monitor Delay.

It doesn’t look like it’s as easy as ticking checkbox anymore:

There is toolbars settings, while more customizable, it requires manual JSON editing:

Click Edit in settings.json, and replace “Upload” entry with:

            "text": "$(arrow-right)",
            "tooltip": "PlatformIO: Upload and Monitor",
            "commands": "platformio-ide.uploadAndMonitor"

Found this solution in other topic as well: Shortcut to "Upload And Monitor" task while also restarting it if active? - #6 by soudgithub