Can't read registers in debugger with vscode, but can with atom

Hi again,

I recently switched from using PlatformIO on Atom to using it on VSCode.
In Atom I was able to watch variables that pointed to specific registers such as:


Unfortunately, in VSCode it does not provide a value to watch, it simply says:

“No symbol “TC3” in current context. (from data-evaluate-expression TC3->COUNT16.COUNT.reg)”

The ability to debug registers like this was invaluable, particularly as PlatformIO does not have a register view.
I’m just wondering why this functionality works in Atom, but doesn’t work in VSCode

Is it possible to get it fixed for VSCode?

Thanks again!

Hm… That is very strange. We use the same PIO Unified debugger on both sides. Do you use the same project and platformio.ini? Could you share your platformio.ini?