I’m trying to use the Embedded Template Library, and include some of it’s headers in my project. I’ve included it in my platformio.ini file as prescribed in the documentation:
src_dir = main
build_cache_dir = .pio/build_cache
platform = espressif32
framework = espidf
monitor_speed = 115200
debug_tool = esp-builtin
;enable this if you wanna upload over JTAG
;upload_protocol = esp-builtin
build_type = debug
build_flags = -DCORE_DEBUG_LEVEL=5 ;-v
lib_compat_mode = off
lib_deps =
Embedded Template Library@^20.39.4
board = esp32-s3-devkitm-1
I’m using the esp-idf framework so my project structure is setup around the Cmake modules where each module has a CMakeLists.txt file. From within one of my modules in one of the .hpp files I try to include one of the headers as described in the documentation:
#include "etl/queue.h"
The file is found and the C/C++ extension in VSCode seems to recognize it as part of my include path as i can control+click on it to open the file just fine and I get no linter warnings. However when I try to build
fatal error: etl/queue.h: No such file or directory
6 | #include "etl/queue.h"
It can’t seem to find the file. I have never encounter this before with PIO but this might have something to do with the ESP-IDF framework having it’s own build system on top of the standard PIO build system and there might be something I need to do with my CMakeLists.txt files to make it work but I’m not sure what.
Any guidance would be appreciated