I’m new to PlatformIO and I can’t figure out how to get libraries working. I’m working on an Arduino uno. I should mention I have a lot of industrial PLC programming/automation experience, but very little C programming or the like.
Inside PlatformIO I’ve installed the ‘max6675’ library to my project. I’ve also verified my platformio.ini has the following line:
lib_deps = MAX6675
Whenever I type #include <max6675.h> I get an error.
I feel like I’m missing something basic because I’ve had this same issue on two separate computers.
The indent is one tab character, or 4 spaces when split over two lines.
There are quite a few Max6675 libraries, this link will show you them all, and each has a separate pages showing installation, examples and a list of their header files.
You are interested in those specified as being for Arduino, obviously.
Thanks for the response. I added the MAX6675 library to my project via PIO Home. I’m still not having any luck. I took a screenshot of my code and my .ini file if that helps?
Ctrl+Shift+P → Rebuild Intellisense, or just press “Build” once. The library won’t be included in the IntelliSense until the intellisense is updated through a build (or manual intellisense rebuild).
The usede libraries are Ethernet but not the Max6675 lib? Are you sure you’ve selected the correct environment via the project environment switcher in the taskbar at all?